Any appliance, system, or network is prone to breakdowns and malfunctions. Furthermore, it is common for systems that are used frequently to need repair. One such example is the ductwork system. Your ductwork is operational all the time. Consequently, it is one of the most used systems installed in your house. Thus, it is not surprising that your ductwork needs frequent repairs. However, most homeowners are unaware of the visible signs that suggest ductwork repair. Here, we will consider these aspects in the following order:
- Visible Dirt and Dust
- Utility Bill Increase
- Noise From The Duct
- Filter Changes Have Become More Frequent
- Visible Infestation
- Mold
Visible dirt and dust
Air circulation through your ductwork carries dust and dirt with it. Usually, this air circulates through your ductwork many times every day. Consequently, it may clog the duct vent. Additionally, the inner areas of the HVAC system may become damaged due to this dust. Thus, a commendable approach is to complete a duct checkup when the dirt becomes visible.
Utility bill Increase
A faulty ductwork system may suddenly increase your electricity bill. A leak in the ductwork requires your HVAC system to work harder than normal. Consequently, the system uses more energy, pushing up your electricity bills. Additionally, HVAC wastes energy in these cases to cool your attic. Ductwork repairs can solve the issue.
Noise from the Duct
Your ductwork needs repairment if it starts to make scary noises. Generally, these noises mimic the sound of heavy metal damage in car accidents. Such noises usually occur when your ductwork has holes or broken connections. If you cannot remove the sound by removing the internal air handler, you must get your duct repaired.
Filter changes have become more frequent.
Changing the filter of your AC unit is a common practice. Each filter may last around 1 to 2 months. However, if your Air conditioning system requires more frequent filter changes, there is a problem with your ductwork. The ductwork is carrying higher than normal dust levels.
Visible Infestation
Sometimes, rats die inside the ductwork. Their carcasses produce radon gas inside the ductwork systems. The owner can avoid this issue by properly repairing their ductwork. Additionally, filing up holes prevents rats from entering the ductwork.
Mold in ductwork is cancer. You must immediately get your ductwork repaired if visible signs of mold occur. In serious cases, mold can damage human health.
It is important to complete the repair of your ductwork at the right time. The aspects mentioned above can help you to determine when your ductwork needs a repair.