Best Heating Systems Going Into 2021

Last Updated: February 17, 2025

home heating
Picture of Michael Rosenberg

Michael Rosenberg

Specializes in translating complex information into readable, engaging content.

The selection of a heating system can be a time-taking task. The owner has to consider multiple aspects before selecting the best heating system for their house. These aspects involve the energy efficiency, cost, installation time, and longevity of each system. Moreover, many new systems enter the market each year. Thus, determining the current best heating systems becomes very difficult. However, this article will solve this issue for you. Here, we consider the five best heating systems to install in your house to welcome 2021. The following systems will be considered in this order:

 Heating System

Geothermal heat pumps

If you are looking to enter 2021 with a long-term heating system installed in your home, you may opt for a geothermal heat pump. This system utilizes the heat of the Earth’s core – a never-ending natural resource. The initial set up costs of this system may be high. The exact cost depends on the geological conditions of the area where your home is located. However, the system has practically zero running costs. It does not require any regular manual inputs. Instead, it uses the heat that rises from the core of the earth. Additionally, the maintenance costs are low as well. Geothermal heat pumps have an excellent energy efficiency ratio. These aspects make them the best choice for long-term heating requirements.

Mini Split Heat Pumps

Although these pumps’ initial costs are higher than standard split pumps, they offer excellent energy efficiency ratio. At the same time, these split systems are ductless. Consequently, the maintenance costs are lower than the ductwork systems. They provide greater control to each room in the building. Furthermore, they block the air to reach unused rooms.

Consequently, the energy costs of the house reduce. Another benefit of mini-split heat pumps is their convenience. Each room’s user can adjust their room according to their requirements. However, these pumps come at an initial price tag higher than the usual standard split heat pumps.

Standard Split Heat Pump System

How about entering 2021 with a heating system used by most people across the globe? The standard system is the most widely used, primarily due to the cost-benefit. It uses two separate units for heating and cooling. Additionally, it can be the right choice for large buildings and complexes. Most people prefer them due to their low initial prices.

Furthermore, they require minimal maintenance compared to the mini-split heat pump system. The only major drawback is that they are not as efficient as some other systems on this list. However, the lower price tag makes up for their operational inefficiency.

Gas Furnaces

Gas furnace systems use either propane or natural gas to produce heat. The heat then leaves the furnace through a sealed exhaust. This technique prevents the actual gas from escaping the furnace. Then, the heat exchangers and blowers circulate the heat throughout the house. The furnace is an efficient choice due to the valve system, ensuring the effective spread of heat. The best part about this system is the lower costs and higher levels of comfort. However, their operating costs are higher for this system. The furnace needs a constant supply of natural gas or propane, which can be expensive in certain areas. However, this system can be an excellent addition to your home if gas is easily and readily available.

home heating

Gas Fired Boiler

The boiler also uses propane or natural gas. However, it does not use the heat directly. Instead, the heat is used to warm the water. This warm water circulates through the system; the water system can use radiated heating or combination boilers. Combination boilers serve better in large commercial settings. They are highly efficient systems that provide a long-term solution to your heating.

Comparison Chart

Geothermal Heat PumpsMini Split Heat PumpsStandard Split Heat PumpsGas FurnacesGas Boilers
Upfront CostsExtremely HighHighStandardStandardHigh
Maintenance and Running CostsLowHighStandardHighHigh
Heating output levelOptimumOptimumInefficientBelow OptimumOptimum
Newness of TechnologyRecent for small scale projectsRecentHave been there for a long timeRecent for Small projectsHave been there for a long time
Preferred Size of HomeMedium To LargeSmall To MediumMediumLargeLarge
Uses Water CirculationCan UseNoNoNoYes

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