Firstly, are you thinking about buying a home security system? And you’re wondering if it’s really worth your time and money? Well, you’re in the right place to find the answers to your questions.
Interestingly, home security systems have grown in demand across the globe for one single reason; they work! However, if you’re wondering if these systems really work while considering buying one, here are some reasons why you should consider buying a home security system.
why you should consider buying a home security system
1. To protect your home
Surprisingly, statistics show that about 6000 burglaries happen every day. That’s about 4 burglaries every minute and about 240 per hour. Who knows who the next victim might just be? Reports also show that places with home security systems have a significantly reduced burglary rate. Furthermore, at least 1 out of every 3 homes without a home security system will be a victim of burglary as compared to 1 in every 250 homes with home security systems. We all want to keep our families and valuables safe from foreign hands. And since burglars wouldn’t announce to us before they come, it becomes necessary to protect our homes with effective security systems.
2. How about Fire protection?
A lot of people don’t know that home security systems can actually protect their homes from a fire outbreak. A system that protects against fire is very important. Statistics show that nearly every 20 seconds, a fire outbreak is recorded. The damages that could arise from a fire outbreak can be devastating. Luckily, these systems can notify the monitoring center operator early enough so that they can immediately call for emergency rescue. In addition, they can also warn of the possible source of the fire and keep you updated on the status of your home.
3. They can protect you from dangerous gasses
Oftentimes, we inhale dangerous gasses that can gradually cause problems within our body system and we wouldn’t even know. These gases are released from burning woods, stoves, exhaust pipes, among others. Home security systems can detect the presence of these toxic, odorless, and colorless gasses, like carbon monoxide, and warn against it before it gets too late. Carbon monoxide poisoning can accumulate over time and lead to serious internal damages, and sometimes, death. When you have an effective security system, you have nothing to worry about.
4. They help you Manage your electricity
In addition, a smart home surveillance system can come in handy when you need to manage your electricity. Many times, we dash off to work and forget to turn off certain devices in the house. These devices then continue running and wasting energy until we return. With smart home security systems, however, you can control and turn off any device in your house from wherever you are. This will furthermore help you save electricity and protect your devices from any electrical damages while you’re unavailable.
5. You can monitor your home 24/7
In reality, security systems with video surveillance are excellent monitors. You can see everything going on in your house and its environs every second of the day. You know who came to your door and who didn’t. Besides, in cases of burglary, your system will immediately notify you of break-ins and you can be sure to receive the emergency unit in your home for the timely rescue. Although, studies have shown that most burglars cease all potential attacks once they noticed the presence of a security system. However, there are burglars who deliberately target a household and come in prepared. These kinds of burglars will only be welcomed by the watchful “eyes” of your security system.
6. You can travel with peace of mind
Significantly, a lot of people love traveling and going on vacations. However, the fear of what might happen while they are away wouldn’t stop bothering them. What happens when you have compulsory business trips or any other kind of trip? Well, now you can travel all your want and enjoy peaceful and exciting trips all the time. Surely, with video surveillance systems, you can monitor your home right on your smartphone from wherever you are.
7. Get a better insurance discount
In conclusion, insurance is without a doubt a necessity for homeowners. They help you cover for damages and any other kind of losses that may happen to your house. Although there are several factors that determine the cost of a homeowner’s insurance and the presence of a home security system is definitely one. However, when you install a security system, you can be sure to get whopping discounts for your insurance fee.